Dump and drain small sources of standing water like buckets and tarps. Larger sources like fountains and ponds can be stocked with mosquitofish, if appropriate, or treated with Mosquito Bits or Dunks Mosquitoes only need about a week from egg laying to hatching as adults.

These contain spores that produce toxins that specifically target and only affect the larvae of the mosquito, blackfly, and fungus gnat. Bti has no toxicity to people and is approved for use for pest control in organic farming operations. Studies indicate Bti has minimal toxicity to honeybees. Bti produces toxins that specifically affect the larvae of only mosquitoes, black flies, and fungus gnats. These toxins do not affect other types of insects including honeybees.

Yard Sources and ways to reduce mosquito breeding include:

  • Buckets – dump and drain, turn upside down and/or stack buckets.
  • Plant Saucers – Avoid overwatering
  • Fountains – keep running, empty, stocked with mosquitofish, or treated with Bti
  • Ponds – clear emergent vegetation and leaves. Stock with mosquitofish
  • Wheelbarrow – Empty and overturn
  • Tarps – Pull taut and avoid extra folds that can trap water
  • Childrens toys – Rinse out if needed, empty standing water, store under or inside enclosure
  • Pools – Periodically maintain pool to prevent algae formation. If the pool is not in use, stock with mosquitofish to prevent mosquito breeding and avoid needing pesticide intervention.
  • Hot tub – Keep lid firmly attached and maintain to prevent algae formation. Stock with mosquitofish is holding water for extended periods of time without maintenance.
  • Leaky pipes/irrigation – Check pipes and valve fittings for leaky fixtures. Low spots in yards may accumulate water without proper drainage and form mosquito breeding habitat.
  • Clogged gutters – Check gutters for leaves and other debris before the rainy season and at the end going into spring. Leaves and other organic materials attract mosquitoes, especially the type that often bite humans aggressively and can spread diseases.
  • Bird Baths – Clean and refresh every week.
  • Pet water bowl – Empty water bowls when not in use. Clean and refresh daily or at least once a week.
  • Yard Drains – Reduce overwatering, if small fill with river rock to promote percolation while reducing standing water.
  • Tires – Remove and recycle empty tires. Due to design, they are hard to empty out once filled with water and organic materials. Leave rims on tires if not able to recycle in an appropriate time.

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Have a pest problem? Noticing a lot of mosquitoes lately, or increased biting in the middle of the day? Contact us for help.

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